TalAE consisted of more than a hundred object-oriented frameworks and nearly two thousand classes and was heavily pattern-oriented.
In addition to being a platform for launching web app, it lets you create them via an object-oriented framework.
It can address the diversity and complexity of computational finance and financial engineering problems in a common object-oriented framework.
Actor used perhaps the first pure object-oriented framework over native operating system calls as its basic GUI architecture.
It can address the diversity and complexity of computational biology and bioinformatics problems in a common object-oriented framework.
Webware for Python is an object-oriented, Python web application framework.
Additionally, some object-oriented frameworks contain mapping tools to provide object-relational mapping, which maps objects to tuples.
Since then a pattern community has emerged that specifies patterns for problem domains including architectural styles and object-oriented frameworks.
"An object-oriented framework for the realization of 3D geographic information systems."
Working through Unix System Labs, it will also be giving its members early access to the Tivoli-based object-oriented framework starting in the third quarter.