In the object-oriented model, objects represent some aspect of interest in the application area: they could be physical entities, concepts, ideas or events.
Geometric models are usually distinguished from procedural and object-oriented models, which define the shape implicitly by an algorithm.
Our approach to the project will concentrate to some large extent upon the identification of underlying object classes in order to develop an object-oriented model.
An object-oriented model is used.
To provide an object-oriented model that supports the complete implementation of many programming languages.
This migration resulted in An object-oriented model for surface water bodies which integrates scales and processes (Leitão, 2003).
D-Bus messaging follows an object-oriented model.
These features have provided Fusebox developers with the means of tying object-oriented models (i.e. business-logic) directly into their controllers.
The object-oriented model of hyper-text developed using the Vienna Development Method [28]shows the potential of the paradigm in this area.
AEX cfiXML is an object-oriented model designed as a pragmatic solution for real-life usage contexts.