House Duras would make its objections known most eloquently.
You made your objections known to me when I first decided to come here before delivering the prisoners; that was your duty.
Blackmun made his objections known within the court.
As fate would have it, there was no time to make her objection known.
Recently objections to the second ethics law, known as the internal audit law, have also begun to surface.
But I made my objections known.
Brastias went after him, calling him back to make his objections known before all.
Its chambers were once known for the rude remarks by opposition legislators to make their objections known to the president's envoys.
Israel, he said, repeatedly tried to make those objections known directly to the Arab side since the Madrid conference a month ago, but never got a response.
As a result, I would like to take this opportunity to express my disappointment and to make my objections known.