In their explanatory statement the committee says: "the film tries to do justice to the terrorists as well as to the representatives of the German state by describing both sides with an equally objective distance."
In the foreword, Brittain describes how she originally intended to write of her experiences as a novel but was unable to achieve the objective distance from her subject necessary.
Reviewers credit her with unusual maturity as a poet, praising her ability to contrast romance with disillusionment and her skill at maintaining an objective distance from her subjects.
One suspects that a director of objective distance could fuel the play faster and make it move more involvingly.
Lacking an objective distance from her characters, both the playwright and the director, Arlen Bensen, are simply overindulgent.
Maintaining objective distance was critical.
Publishers Weekly wrote that "Di Blasi's style and her objective distance and comprehension of her chosen subject mark her as a very psychologically driven, very talented writer."
The same kind of objective distance can be employed for other purposes.
For all his scholarly accomplishments, Lao Li does not sustain a critic's objective distance, and his detractors fault him for this.
Mr President, I believe we are all aware of the need to maintain an objective distance from this topic.