You, on the other hand, are somehow the most unbiased and objective person in the world.
"Of course, my mother also loved my fourth-grade poetry, and so she might not be the most objective person."
There was an inherent unfairness in that which should be manifest to any objective person.
In any case, it's hard to find a truly objective person on either side of an ethical issue.
Although Metropolitan pays her, she calls herself "an objective third-party person."
I can't imagine a station coming back to me and saying, 'Can you come on and be the allegedly objective person?'
"I am, after all, the only objective person on the planet."
Whatever you call it - assistant director or story consultant - I was the objective person whose judgment he trusted.
I'm not really the most objective person about this.
"I think any objective person watching this is going to come away saying this is confusing at best."