Objectively speaking, the move may be okay, although the resulting position is very tough for a human player to defend.
I said, speaking objectively and feeling like a heel.
Objectively speaking petty corruption is the problem in Russia.
Objectively speaking, games are getting shorter and the article does a fine job of explaining how and why.
Objectively speaking, Chinese society does not have much experience in dealing with such persons.
Nobody who receives money from a pharmaceutical company should be trusted to speak objectively about any medication.
On Fox an anchor can say that "objectively speaking" it is "hard to believe things could go much more successfully."
Objectively speaking, noise protection has been increased; the previous speaker explained the technical data and details.
Objectively speaking, we must admit that Belarus has also done a lot to foster understanding.
Objectively speaking, I would have to say that my son is not the best player on the team.