They seem to feel that their moral obligations end when they encounter us.
If the parents died in a few years, the son's obligation would end and the business would not be included in their estate.
While each person's essential - even idiosyncratic - needs must be met, the obligation to accommodate individuals ends there.
Men have believed that their obligations end with provision of money for food and school fees.
With such declaration, the obligation to pay church taxes ends.
Meanwhile, the foundation is urging the tobacco companies, whose main financial obligations under the settlement ended in April, to keep on giving.
The obligation to pay membership fees ends in any case at the end of the current fiscal year.
Cardinal Law's obligation to account for his past actions does not end with his resignation.
"I do not concede that my obligation to treat him ends with your arrival."
And it will require American business leaders to understand that their obligations don't just end with their shareholders.