The obligation which every citizen was under to serve a certain number of years, if called upon, in the armies of the republic, sufficiently imposed the necessity of learning those exercises, without which he could not be fit for that service.
Religion', Natasha read from a pamphlet, 'teaches that work is not a freely given contribution to the state, but an obligation imposed by God.
The obligations of both male and female parents impose tasks that are immense.
Any sensible construction of the terms of service involved that paragraph 19 must be read in the light of, and subject to, the obligation imposed by paragraph 16.
Laymen who hold religious convictions have no "professional obligation to impose those beliefs on other people," he said, "but a priest has taken a vow to spread the faith and that is incompatible with nonpartisan, secular public service."
I want to talk about the obligations of citizenship, the obligations imposed on the President and people in power, and the obligations imposed on all Americans.
But Germany's history and future obligations impose a special duty to resist the rising tide of hate.
This Office concluded that the statutory obligation of disclosure imposed on an Independent Counsel by 28 U.S.C. $S595(c) grants such authority.
Both the obligations imposed by the Stability Pact and the strict recommendations accompanying the reports by the Commission and the European Central Bank prove it.
The obligation on food suppliers to monitor novel foods in terms of the health and welfare of animals would impose too great a burden on retailers.