The few mentions of it now are obligatory - and brief - references to it as a plague that epitomized a chaotic and decrepit city.
Its ironic this article has the obligatory reference to evil tabloids.
There seems to be an obligatory reference to Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."
But beyond the obligatory reference to "gene splicing," there is no science to explain either process, only gruesome special effects.
In his speech at the rally, Mr. Allen made only brief, obligatory references to jobs, education, crime, taxes and other campaign issues.
I was waiting for the obligatory reference to folk music, and there's morris dancing right down the bottom!
Legal, fiscal and other barriers make the obligatory reference to a single-contract system more complex.
It summarizes, with little variation from one occasion to the next except for an obligatory local reference at the beginning, how the candidate wants to present himself to the voters.
Many of his books have already become obligatory references in the Spanish written philosophical heritage of the last 60 years.
The obligatory references include concentration camps, chain gangs, the gulag, refugees of all nationalities and denominations, forced marches.