Interpreting the Mayor's comment as an oblique attack on military authority, he leapt to his feet and shouted: "You cannot dictate my authority!
Many considered this characterization to be an oblique attack on Bubis.
King Hussein also issued an oblique attack on the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Maybe she was safe, now, although this sort of colonel had a habit of making oblique attacks later in an acquaintance.
This was an oblique but clear attack on Nixon, who had clearly picked the wrong people in addition to whatever else he did.
But the most stinging consequence of her new-found authority is the sudden spate of oblique attacks from disgruntled Kremlin aides who lost her favor.
And, in an oblique attack on the partiality of judges, she has said she wants a commission to review appointments to the higher levels of the judiciary.
Shelby then resolved to take Springfield by an oblique attack from the west.
No question then that the prince of Caelrhon was behind this oblique attack on wizardry, and not the priests as the school had thought.
Others infer that he's already mounting a brilliantly oblique attack on Gore.