Esmay spotted the oblong patch, glinting dully in the repair bay's spotlights.
The sunlight streamed through the row of windows above the fire-escape door, staining the carpet and the walls with oblong patches of gold.
Around the prints were the oblong patches on the wallpaper where the owners' pictures had hung, like a ghostly reprimand for having interfered with the local atmosphere.
Black spots are present in an oblong patch near the anal angle in the pale postmedian area, with a small subterminal black dot above.
We watched him consult the programme, turning each page and examining our faces and the oblong patch of biography beneath the photographs.
We kept looking out until the big oblong patch of night it gave us was empty.
It stood just beyond the church in an oblong patch of cultivation.
Then it warmed and brightened and cast an oblong patch of light between the bed and the table.
An oblong patch of light fell across the walkway from the doorway.
As if responding to his order, an oblong patch of light blossomed in the distance, then immediately streaked away to the right, toward the inner solar system.