An oblong gabled structure is carved above one cornice in the middle and two square structures are on the corners.
It is a simple oblong structure with a wooden stand and a 7 meter deep stage.
The Feldmanns remained in the house through the 1970's, along with tenant families in the curious little oblong structure next to it.
The crane was lifting an oblong structure of wood off the truck bed.
Early mastabas were short oblong structures with two offering areas, and open air chapels.
Our cell was in the basement level of the most enormous of the castles, a high, oblong structure.
This leads into a Mandap, an oblong structure (30' X 30') with a roof ten feet high.
It was paved in the same shining gray stone, and at the other side of it was a low, oblong structure like a great hall.
The facade of the Tower has an oblong structure over 4 floors with transparent, translucent and opaque areas.
The image he had caught showed a regularity, a hint of an oblong structure, in the right lower corner.