Your rich friends exported those jobs and received obscene bonuses for their efforts.
Where are the legal restraints on the Bankers obscene bonuses and salaries?
It is inequitable for members of a board to award their Chief Executives obscene bonuses and pensions, in particular, for failure.
Yes Seamus, the only interest of importance in the City is the amount of interest accumulating in those obscene bonuses!!
Tube staff didn't receive obscene bonuses, unlike the bankers.
They then scoop up all the profits during the good times, and pay themselves obscene bonuses for their 'hard work' and 'talent'.
We wouldn't have to put up will the sight of all those bankers receiving their obscene bonuses at the end of the year.
That's exactly the kind of spurious argument that bankers use to defend their obscene bonuses.
How can you build reserves when all the money lavished on the banks is immediately paid out in obscene bonuses?
Instead, the whole European economy has been taken over by a bunch of parasites who are about to pay themselves obscene bonuses again.