From a rather obscure beginning during the 1980's in New Mexico and Pennsylvania, snowtubing has engulfed the ski industry this season.
He rose from obscure beginnings in the East End and pursued a medical degree as a means to greater power.
That Madden is a much-lauded sports broadcaster with eight Emmy Awards overshadows his obscure beginnings at CBS.
It traces the history of four generations of the J.P. Morgan financial empire, on both sides of the Atlantic, from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987.
To them, fresh from obscure beginnings, she was society.
The dynasty was founded by - and took its name from - Ya'qub bin Laith as-Saffar, a man of humble origins who rose from an obscure beginning as a coppersmith (saffar) to became a warlord.
The novel follows multiracial teen protagonist Willie, a budding baseball prodigy, from his obscure beginnings in the American Southwest to religious leader and international humanitarian.
In May, 1908, the Becker brothers, John and Ted, made the rather obscure beginnings of business that grew into one of the best-known establishments in the southern part of Christian County.
The resulting gap in the British festival calendar kick-started the rise of the minor CND benefit event at Glastonbury from obscure beginnings as a "hippie" festival in the 1970s.
-So we come up from our obscure beginnings, do we, kif?