After Joshu died of the pox-and her mother of a stroke-research in an obscure field seemed the perfect refuge.
He had made the plane pilot land him on an obscure field, where Scorpio had taken an old automobile from a disused hangar.
Sometimes strains have developed between teams, especially among scientists involved in the more obscure fields of magnetism, plasmas, cosmic rays and radio astronomy.
In past years, winter racing in New York meant small and obscure fields, frozen surfaces and a long, cold vigil until spring.
This would prevent against the often obscure field of operation known to other physicians and also prevent against repetitive irrigation sometimes needed.
But a few scientists, working in a relatively obscure field, believe another path to regenerative medicine may be as likely to succeed.
We have no occasion to roam for information into the obscure field of antiquity, nor hazard ourselves upon conjecture.
Choosing an obscure field, he set up his wireless equipment and sent a message.
As a violinist, Pierre has chosen a particularly obscure field for black musicians.
In response to my suggestion, he landed, alone, at an obscure field in the Catskills.