The film is Pacific Afternoons, adapted by Mark Adair from an obscure 1920s novel of the same name by a spinster named Mildred Parsons.
It wasn't as if anyone would connect her with an obscure novel, let alone recognize the true identity of the evil pirate.
All the books are in good condition; most are hard covers, and prices range from 10 cents for an obscure novel to $40 for the 20-volume set of law directories.
He had a few obscure novels, plays, poetry.
He has written a number of increasingly obscure novels.
The segment focused on new books and classics and often brought obscure novels to popular attention.
Falstein never raised the issue between Catch-22s publication and his death in 1995 and Heller claimed never to have been aware of the obscure novel.
At one auction, he bought a copy of an obscure novel by Sinclair Lewis for an inflated price and then discovered that he had been bidding against Michael Jackson.
And then they make mega-best-sellers out of obscure first novels and two-decade-old books.