The material of the Morgante is almost completely taken from an obscure chivalrous poem of the 15th century, rediscovered by Pio Rajna.
In an afternoon discussion about teaching poetry, Billy Collins, who has published six books, poked fun at the academy's infatuation with obscure poems.
The publisher, Doubleday, disliked Asimov's original title, so they asked him to provide another, suggesting he find a good quote from an obscure poem.
The audience was confused by the obscure poem and many left during its recitation.
Book 17 contains 2 rather obscure but colorful poems.
I mention his obscure poem only to make clear a largely forgotten fact: mountains have not always been a source of reverence and awe.
Nursing a cup of milky coffee in the late morning while monitoring his ever-active answering machine, Mr. Collins declared that he was writing against the obscure poem.
"But the argument that it's from an obscure poem I find compelling."
The book is supposed to contain clues to China's future conveyed through a series of 60 surreal drawings, each accompanied by an equally obscure poem.
Shakespeare Dispute A British professor's contention that an obscure poem is by Shakespeare is being challenged.