Discussion group archives are sometimes the best way to find an answer to very obscure questions, such as how to fix a particular computer problem.
These last three competitors are asked a very obscure question.
The funniest person was Gavin Henson's father who asked the most obscure questions and even his wife could not believe it.
This, however, raises obscure and vexing questions about the nature of 'textuality'.
Also the system is easy to manipulate, and five minutes is sufficient to obtain a fairly detailed answer to any but the most obscure questions.
This information should answer the curiously obscure questions you raised.
Not everyone is welcome when they arrive at a destination and immigration officers can ask some really obscure questions.
Researching some obscure question of admiralty law for your boss's next move?
The Tobin tax will bring some transparency to a very obscure question.
Now who will answer those obscure questions?