It provides the raw, observable, taken-for-granted "data" upon which the findings of the social sciences are idealized, conceptualized, and offered up for analysis and discourse.
The observable data that go into factor analysis would be 10 scores of each of the 1000 students, a total of 10,000 numbers.
In probability and statistics, a generative model is a model for randomly generating observable data, typically given some hidden parameters.
It operates on notions of an observer (views) and the observable (data).
The instrument can be valued indirectly using observable data.
According to it, scientific inquiry proceeds by formulating a hypothesis in a form that could conceivably be falsified by a test on observable data.
I respect observable data and I can spot inaccuracies; I'm trained to do that.
The effects of new policies would only be felt when the next analysis was made when, presumably, such effects would be picked up in observable data.
The statement, together with other statements already held to be true, must imply yet other statements describing present, observable data.
The residuals are not the true, and unobservable, errors, but rather are estimates, based on the observable data, of the errors.