Inference to processes not directly observable became acceptable and then commonplace.
There is a small raised plane caused by projection of Xiphoid process sometimes observable at lower end of sternum.
Now the central idea of TROLL is to interpret such an object as a set of observable sequential processes.
From a scientific standpoint, therefore, evolution may be called a "fact" for the same reason that gravity can: under the scientific definition, evolution is an observable process that occurs whenever a population of organisms genetically changes over time.
"They are incredibly deep inner processes, not observable really," he said.
Making reading an active, observable process can be very beneficial to struggling readers.
Natural selection adapts populations to their environment through a combination of observable processes that shows no sign of divine forethought.
Forbes was inspired in this direction by the work of Charles Lyell, whose uniformitarian approach to geology stressed the use of observable processes to explain the present state of the earth (chapter 6).
Although spanning several professional disciplines, the substantial body of Kaye's work is characterized by family systems theory and by a search for observable, reproducible processes rather than stopping at generalizations about formal properties, for example, of stages in mental or social development.
The indeterminacy of definition is itself determined by physical events, according to a biological psychology, and does not demonstrably cause them: like qualia, indeterminacy might only appear to accompany observable, quantifiable processes.