At two occasions during the summer months depth charges were dropped at Soviet submarines, without any observable results.
Offered no opportunity to fire at enemy aircraft during her time off Okinawa, Vammen conducted two "hedgehog" attacks on suspected submarine contacts, neither with observable results.
With no observable result.
The last factor is whether there are observable results with use of the innovation.
There came a time when my physical progress stalled and I became discouraged with the lack of observable results from my therapy.
They had worked far into the night to complete the assembly of it and it had been devoid of observable results.
The treatment should be undertaken for many weeks to obtain observable results.
Peak improvement occurs at months 3 to 9 with good results still observable at one year in many patients.
One observable result of this was a relaxation of discipline and alertness in the enemy camp.
You cannot easily tease apart the cure from the cure giver; medicine is an amalgam of hopes, intentions and observable results.