Mathematically, this is equivalent to saying that different values of the parameter must generate different probability distributions of the observable variables.
The are the only observable variables, and the other variables are latent variables.
The models may be extended to include observable explanatory variables and simultaneity can be allowed for as in econometric models.
Suppose we have a set of observable random variables, with means .
A large number of observable variables can be aggregated in a model to represent an underlying concept, making it easier to understand the data.
One or more observable variables, called the scheduling variables, are used to determine the current operating region of the system and to enable the appropriate linear controller.
However, it is not always easy to relate chemical potential in wood to commonly observable variables, such as temperature and moisture content (Keey et al., 2000).
Similar to the continuity of observable variables, one would expect there to be continuity in predetermined variables at the treatment cut-off.
In this example, two text boxes are bound to observable variables on a data model.
As a consequence, some stable integral relations are produced between functions of parameters and functions of observable variables.