He looked around the room carefully, bluffing a bit, like a man not naturally observant.
Like all observant Muslim men, patients pray five times a day.
Was trying to hide that and might have done so from a less observant man.
King Henry's moves that summer afforded a curious study to an observant man.
A sensualist-or so a less observant man would have believed.
An observant man, my father continued, thanks God each morning that he was not created a pagan, a slave or a woman.
He was simply an observant man, and a compassionate one.
He was also a very observant man, and he must realize what has been going on.
He was not an observant man at the best of times, and it had been very early and the attic dark.
But Barney, an observant young man, noticed that he watched them in the mirror.