Rather than be pushed away, such individuals are to be drawn into the Jewish community and taught the proper way so they can become observant, pious members of community.
Observance of Shabbat is the benchmark used in halacha to determine whether an individual is a religiously observant, religiously reliable member of the community.
Armenia is an observant member of the La Francophonie due to a small percentage of people studying enough French.
He is also the most observant and practical member of the team.
In the early 1990s a group of newly observant members began holding more traditional services in a back room of the synagogue, complete with a mechitza, a partition separating men and women.
Mr. Mayson was dismissed in 1981 because he had failed to qualify for a "temple recommend," a designation as an observant member of the church eligible to attend its temples.
Q Society lobbies for religious slaughtering to be restricted to the actual needs of the observant members of religious communities, not impressed on the majority of Australians.
Although both Seattle Sephardic congregations are Orthodox, many less observant members and even secular Jews attend, because they identify strongly with being Sephardic.
His weight loss was now apparent to even the least observant members of the tribe, as was the grayish tinge of his skin.