THE observant readers among you - and you're all observant, aren't you?
English program aims to help students to become more observant, analytic and perspective readers and critic.
But they also told the observant reader a good deal about the secret and not so secret soul of Bernard Malamud the man.
Shalit is not an observant reader but an ideological one.
But observant readers will notice that this year's choice picks number fewer than those in the past.
The observant reader may have noticed that I used this construction myself above on p. 98; this was done consciously.
In other circumstances, my ego would have jumped at finding such an observant reader.
These episodes are but examples of parallels which will occur to the observant reader.
My observant readers will notice a new term now creeping into the narrative: Our Sea.
(The observant reader will already have noticed this man in the background throughout various pages of the comic.)