She observed acidly: "A man who reckons his women like a grocery list usually does not know what he wants.
My God," she observed acidly, "you are a fool!
She acidly observes, "The only good thing about the Cultural Revolution is we'll never have another one."
"She was getting like that in real life too," her sister Jessica acidly observed.
"Next they're going to see who can pee the farthest," Sarah observed acidly to Pam.
'Well, your mother named you well,' Dutiful observed acidly to her.
"Always nice to have a professional opinion," the CAG observed acidly.
Margate acidly observes that the supposedly 21-year-old Marchioness must have become a mother at the age of two.
"If so," North Hollow observed acidly, "it's undoubtedly for the first time in her entire life!"
As the narrator acidly observes, "The tragedy of our time is to have lost the ability to feel loss."