The first armored terrorist just stood there, calmly observing while his partner was shot at with a rifle.
"Nobody can't tell what a guy'll do," he observed calmly.
"Neither of which remarks is to the point," he observed calmly.
"Themos has already been falling for 30 seconds," he observed calmly.
The two children - sisters, you could see it around the eyes - calmly observed our consternation and said they saw no problem.
"You think the natives here are dark enough already, perhaps," he observed calmly.
'There is someone behind us as well,' she observed calmly.
"You have a nasty hole in your shirt," he observed calmly.
"I'm looking forward to seeing Friesland and your family," she observed calmly.
"There may be hope after all," she observed calmly to Oskatat.