This is because observing distant galaxies is to look back in time to galaxies at an earlier stage.
It is used to detect the presence and distribution of dark matter, provide a "natural telescope" for observing distant galaxies, and to obtain an independent estimate of the Hubble constant.
He was out with friends near Stanfield, Arizona observing star clusters and galaxies when he chanced across the comet while at the eyepiece of his friend's telescope.
Infrared is also used to observe distant, red-shifted galaxies that were formed much earlier in the history of the Universe.
For observing smaller star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies binocular magnification is an important factor for visibility because these objects appear tiny at typical binocular magnifications.
The largest and most complex scientific instrument ever put in space, the Hubble is expected to observe distant stars and galaxies with a clarity 10 times that ever before achieved.
Astronomers peer into time by observing distant stars and galaxies, whose faint rays began their journeys billions of years ago.
For example, once Hubble asserted that the universe extended far beyond the Milky Way, it followed that astronomers should be able to observe other galaxies.
Weak lenses allow us to observe very distant galaxies, which we would be unable to observe without such lens.
To witness the formation of these extreme galaxies astronomers plan to observe galaxies even further back in time in great detail.