They were moving, I observed, into the first phases of a mating process which was going to take all night.
The experiences that he gained by observing and coming into contact with these people would serve him in the near future with his song writing.
"I don't think we got much out of that exchange," observed Tom into the following silence.
After examining these, they observed a hole running under another stone, into the ground.
"Most issues on a farm return to the issue of keeping up appearances," Ginny observes deep into her narrative.
These launches were made in order to observe the reentrance of the rockets into the atmosphere.
On a United flight to Denver last winter, two agents stood observing the flow into the plane.
At this angle he could not observe Bria's rolling descent into the water.
Why did you choose to observe the inquiry into the Rashanar incident?
Essentially, we have to observe them and get past them into the boneyard, without being caught.