Studies observing patients also generate important knowledge and theories.
Moreover, he claimed to have observed patients whose lenses had been removed by a cataract operation and who still accommodated with ease!
To prepare for her role as a mental hospital patient, she and Litvak spent months observing actual patients at mental hospitals.
The ability to observe patients in bed and then carry out post mortem examination was to prove fundamental in parts of his work.
Observe patients, listen to the ward report and examine care plans.
He said they also observed patients every two weeks to see how symptoms like paranoia came and went before a relapse occurred.
Throughout the video they are shown observing patients performing instruments in strange ways.
Almost anyone who can read can be trained to observe patients.
One aimed to insure that nurses observe patients for pain at least once every four hours and provide timely pain medication.
Her interest in art therapy surfaced again when she observed patients working on art projects with the activity therapist at the mental hospital.