She couldn't avoid feeling that an observer was judging and condemning her waste effort.
Some observers condemned the skit as sexually suggestive (see video), and ABC later apologized for airing it.
The few Western observers who monitored parliamentary elections in 2004 condemned them as having failed to meet international standards and pointed out that all the candidates supported the president.
The attackers were often villagers who had formally submitted on the approach of Japanese columns, and foreign observers severely condemned their abuse of the white flag:
On Sunday, observers from the European Union had condemned Mr. Mugabe's party, accusing it of supporting the violence and intimidation that marred the run-up to the vote last weekend.
Some observers have condemned the referendum as flawed because people could only vote "NO to nuclear", although three options were basically a harder or a softer "NO".
What's funny, too, is that for years many fans, nonfans, cynics, bored observers have condemned the game for being too slow or the players for being too rapacious.
Many observers, however, condemn insider trading for damaging market integrity or cheating investors.
But fury over the conduct of the election, which international observers condemned as fraudulent and blatantly manipulated, quickly escalated into demands for Mr. Shevardnadze's immediate resignation.
Most contemporary American observers, including newspapers representing anti-war Federalists, condemned the destruction of the public buildings as needless vandalism.