Its impact on Sailor Boy's health was likewise unproven, yet no observer could dispute the salubrious sheen of his plumage.
No evenhanded observer of the Middle East peace process can dispute your assertion that Mr. Sharon "said what needed to be said" regarding Israel's rule over another people.
Many observers disputed Salerno's top ranking, claiming that law enforcement greatly exaggerated Salerno's importance to bring attention to their legal case against him.
Whoever is behind the blasts, few impartial observers would dispute that they reflect growing popular unhappiness with the monarchy's handling of Swazi affairs.
Few observers dispute that Europe has the capacity to produce too many cars for too few consumers.
It is important to note that other observers dispute the very notion of post-partisanship.
Some observers have disputed this assessment and argued that the operation was carried out by al-Qaida, while others have said that on balance, the available evidence suggests Shiite responsibility.
He repeatedly tried to campaign on a reform and anti-corruption ticket and tried to profile himself as an outspoken critic of Arafat, although many observers dispute his personal integrity.
Other observers disputed the notion of canals.
But other observers dispute that notion.