Indeed, Western observers fear that the spending cuts went overboard, jeopardizing important education and infrastructure programs.
Some observers fear the long-term consequences, as South Africa's labor policies make it difficult to attract skilled immigrants.
Contrary to what many observers fear, the greatest risk posed by Mr. Garcia may not be economic.
For one terrible moment, observers on board Tunny feared that their own submarine had been hit.
Some observers fear that the community's viability is threatened by migration.
With the company's increasingly international flavor and the school's emphasis on Russian methods, many observers fear that the English style will be eroded.
The catastrophe has not reversed all gains, as some observers had initially feared.
Some observers fear that the Argentine press and Government may be racing to conclusions too fast.
Some observers fear that the introduction of more weapons in northern Uganda will create more problems in the longer term.
The official government figures place the number of dead at 100, but other observers fear the total is closer to 300.