In addition, the higher up an observer is standing to view the horizon, the sharper the shadow appears.
The observer stood on the ground and held the eyepiece, which was connected to the objective by a string or connecting rod.
In other words, the observer must be standing "uphill" from the source.
The two Klikiss observers stood motionless, collating what they had learned.
Astronomers need to know just where the observers stood, and that is not always easy to estimate from old accounts.
It all depends upon where the observer is standing.
The observer stood near a darkened building front, blended with its gloom.
The fascinated observer can only listen respectfully and then stand aside while the experts thrash out their differences.
The observer stood in front of a drug store window, apparently studying the articles displayed in the show case.
Each observer sat or stood entranced, holding exactly the pose he had been in at the instant of opening his face- plate.