As recovery stalled and stagnation set in, several observers warned of the possibility of a second recession.
Political observers warn against taking such statements entirely at face value.
Some recent observers warn that soaring student loan debt crisis and shortages of good jobs may undermine this ticket.
But as well as welcoming the election's democratic credentials, observers have warned that it could trigger more violence in the country of 5.3 million people.
If things go wrong, the peacekeepers may find themselves with an insurgent army turning against them, some foreign military observers here warn.
But observers warn that a failure to address such discontent could ultimately threaten the survival of the monarchy.
For more than a decade many concerned observers have warned of the dangers in reaching a one-sided rapprochement with China.
Some observers warn that this lack of methodology could lead to religious doctrine leaching into the classroom, just as schools had so long feared.
Many observers have warned that doctors who are not proficient in the difficult technique may exploit vulnerable patients, charging them tens of thousands of dollars.
The situation calmed down for about a week but observers warned that the Taliban were not defeated and could return immediately to the disputed district.