His obsessive character was necessary for the story.
Most of his science fiction books are short, present-tense narratives concerned exclusively with the consciousness of a single obsessive character.
I dreamed him up as a Nazarene and a kind of obsessive character.
It totally works for this song to be dark and strange because it helps illustrate the obsessive, deluded character that I am playing.
"Fast, Cheap and Out of Control" interweaves conversations with four obsessive characters, all somehow seeking philosophical knowledge in worlds beyond human experience.
John Savage is one actor who has never feared venturing to the brink of hysteria when disgorging the emotional lives of his often obsessive characters.
I'm a very obsessive character.
Earlier, I noted America's obsessive moral character, our tendency to treat every question that comes before us as a test of our national soul.
Like his obsessive characters, Mr. Ellroy just doesn't like to quit until he hurts himself.
His obsessive characters often view life through television screens and camera lenses.