He did have one flaw, and that was an almost obsessive need to be perfect.
"They might have an obsessive need to save money and not disclose or admit this to their therapist."
Obviously, it wasn't the money, it was his obsessive need to win, and to impress people.
All countries have problems acknowledging their bad actions, but our society seems to have an obsessive need to appear the good guys of world history.
We understand that humans have an obsessive need for privacy.
An eccentric man, Kruik wrote music, and had an obsessive need to measure things.
An obsessive need to control others is also associated with antisocial personality disorder.
Once he had been driven by an obsessive need to learn about that place.
You destroyed our romance because of your obsessive need to dominate!
But we should not let our almost obsessive need to categorize disrupt his art.