The film tells the story of an obsessive relationship between a director and an actress.
Its premise, that women who get "mired in obsessive relationships" are to help themselves, was criticized by some feminist scholars.
His obsessive relationship became destructive for both men.
Most of the novel is about her obsessive relationship with the manipulative, egomaniacal Raphael, who has not a single redeeming quality.
He has a morbid, obsessive relationship with money and he uses it to insinuate himself into other people's affairs, pretending to be the "family friend".
Sailors' obsessive relationship with the sea and the stars and the sun, I reasoned, made up for such losses.
It was a fitting depiction of our obsessive, passive-aggressive relationship with our high school education.
They eventually fall in love but their obsessive relationship is doomed from the outset.
A 14-character drama about obsessive relationships between mothers and daughters, the play was first produced on Broadway 40 years ago.
There are many convincing portraits here of old Japan hands, living out their obsessive love-hate relationship with the place.