For others, there may be predisposing factors that increase their susceptibility, including a personal or family history of depression, marital or social difficulties, obstetrical complications or childhood sexual abuse.
A study based on hysterosalpingraphic detected arcuate lesions documented increased fetal loss and obstetrical complications as a risk for affected women.
Multiple births are related to increased risk of pregnancy loss, obstetrical complications, prematurity, and neonatal morbidity with the potential for long term damage.
Thus patients with a unicornuate uterus are at a higher risk for pregnancy loss and obstetrical complications.
This and other indigenous communities in the Guatemala highlands suffer extremely high rates of maternal and infant mortality with many obstetrical complications, and high levels of pre-eclampsia.
Uterine incarceration is an obstetrical complication whereby a growing retroverted uterus becomes wedged into the pelvis after the first trimester of pregnancy.
The shoulder presentation was a feared obstetrical complication.
Unlike obstetrical complications, gynecological cancers are ail too frequent.
Over a century later women are still prescribed the equivalent of the rest cure for obstetrical complications, but now it is recommended before birth.
The biiliac width measure is helpful in obstetrics because a pelvis that is significantly too small or too large can have obstetrical complications.