He obtained a great deal of information while at Georgetown, including the need to remain an objective party.
And one sure way to obtain a great deal of power is to kill someone.
Between them, they should be able to figure out how to obtain a great deal of money.
This allows the plant to obtain a great deal of light and air movement.
Thinking himself a poor bargainer, he was sure that the more wordly-wise Halran would have obtained a better deal.
We will not obtain a comprehensive deal on Iran without the United States.
We have obtained a good deal of information on the history of the Earthmen.
Now, legal experts said, the prices any potential defendants must pay if they want to obtain a deal have significantly gone up.
School and college teams do not threaten to move away from the fans in order to obtain a better deal on their sports stadiums.
By interviewing people we can obviously obtain a great deal of information in a relatively short time.