He asks the Sheriff to obtain a certain sum of money (a "caution") or a bond as security against being molested or troubled further by the defender.
But how could she obtain such a sum?
After some delay he obtained a sum of 15,301 Pounds 7 Shilling, payable in three instalments between 1 March 1789 and 1 March 1790.
In this generality, one obtains a composition series, rather than a direct sum.
After much legal expense by the Guardian, the retailer obtained an apology and a sum in damages.
But a lawyer for Mr. Cuomo said he expected the Governor would eventually obtain a "substantial sum of money" as a result of the case.
He obtained a sum of £1,000 from the committee at Goldsmiths' Hall, which he employed in paying his debts and purchasing an annuity.
He was not obliged to obtain a certain sum in order to escape a beating at night.
It is hardly possible to obtain so large a sum in twenty-four hours.
Returning home after two and a half years' further service, he found himself constrained to sell out on 19 March 1808 in order to obtain a sum (about £250) to pay his debts.