Since this round was also used by the Axis, resistance fighters could obtain ammunition from enemy sources.
Some of them had raided the National Guard Armory, obtaining arms and ammunition.
Cooper pulled his men back towards the depot to obtain new ammunition, but the Federals continued to press his army closely.
However, when money was needed to obtain ammunition, he was the first to donate, and added personal blessings to this resistance movement.
An unusual solution to the problem of obtaining ammunition for the very old pinfire cartridges is even available.
To obtain ammunition for the gun, the platoon have to get over the same sort of fence that defeated them day before.
Their proximity to the desert made it relatively easy for them to obtain arms and ammunition.
The Talovics had no information on how Sulejman had obtained his weapons and ammunition.
They were experiencing difficulty in obtaining the necessary arms and ammunition.
Abaz Kupi knew him and hoped to obtain ammunition to fight the partisans.