Lowrie's simple writing style helped in obtaining confidence and understanding among his audience.
Quick wins' like that were important in obtaining buy-in among employees and getting them involved.
To understand their behaviors, clinicians must obtain detailed medical, psychological, environmental and family histories, among other things.
The rules which obtain among themselves appear to them self-evident and self-justifying.
"Our goal is to obtain a statewide picture of infection within specific groups as well as among the community at large," he added.
Patrons may also take hot showers, wash their clothing and obtain legal aid among other services.
The Governor faces a major challenge in obtaining cooperation among several state agencies, private developers and municipal governments.
University issues its own newspaper "Impulse", which has become one of the best student's newspapers and obtained the official recognition among youth's mass media.
However, as time passed, Servius increasingly favored the poor in order to obtain support among the plebs.