Compile a list of assets and property for the court, and obtain appraisals if necessary; record every expenditure.
Obtain independent appraisals.
But court papers later filed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in connection with the savings and loan's collapse depict Seguin as an aggressive concern that engaged in particularly risky real estate deals, many handled by unqualified managers who failed to obtain proper collateral, appraisals and loan documentation.
Although museum officials would not comment beyond the statements in the letter, it is understood that Mr. Frel, a distinguished scholar who had built a collection of great distinction at the Getty, had been involved in helping donors obtain high appraisals for tax purposes on gifts made to the antiquities department.
They execute all parish sheriff sales in accordance with Louisiana Law (to include: the processing of writs, advertising, preparation of deeds and judicial bills of sales, obtaining mortgage certificates and appraisals, collecting and disbursing funds, etc.).
In addition, museums and private collectors in the United States and Europe frequently consult Achim Moeller to obtain appraisals for works in their collections for exhibition, insurance, and estate purposes.
Second, "too many banks have failed to obtain accurate, independent and timely appraisals" of the real estate projects to which they are lending, he said.
It did so without what former economic development executives say is the routine practice of obtaining appraisals of the relative values of the land being exchanged.
Moreover, he said, since the property owner and the co-op frequently obtain widely different appraisals, the matter must often be resolved by arbitration.
Although it is possible to obtain appraisals over the telephone, both appraisers and insurers say these are unreliable and often not accepted by insurance companies.