Its growing rarity increased interest from European museums and private collectors in obtaining skins and eggs of the bird.
This method of obtaining eggs and embryos is convenient for two reasons.
More rarely some trogons may shuffle along a branch to obtain insects, insect eggs and very occasionally nestling birds.
It is often induced with hormone injections to obtain eggs for in vitro fertilization.
Interestingly, brown eggs have become so common that I've heard some people complaining about the difficulty in obtaining white eggs.
Owning his own chicken to obtain fresh eggs.
There may also be practical problems in obtaining enough human eggs for the experiments.
This required a trip in the depths of winter to obtain eggs in an appropriately early stage of incubation.
Frequently, collectors would go to extreme lengths to obtain eggs of rare birds.
But given the difficulty of obtaining and fertilizing eggs in the laboratory, the alternative might be no babies at all.