In many cases, the copyright owner is the appropriate source for obtaining duplicated footage.
The man who was killed was a press photographer who appears to have slipped through the security cordon to obtain footage of the explosion.
It obtains and publicises undercover footage showing how animals are treated in farms and on slaughterhouses.
The police began their investigation by quizzing staff of the China Press, which had also independently obtained footage of the incident.
She would've obtained far better video footage by filming the whole thing on site, using more creative camera angles, better audio equipment.
The local law enforcement personnel continue to harass the journalists who try to obtain footage from the range.
She also covered the Libyan civil war and obtained footage of Muammar Gaddafi's death.
By setting remote camera traps, he obtains footage of the anteaters climbing tree trunks, behaviour never filmed before.
Garrison later established new techniques for obtaining aerial footage, creating new camera mounts and special effects.
Your compliance will ensure that local news stations have no difficulty obtaining footage for their "BlizzardWatch '05!!"