Attribute data is most often obtained in computer-readable form direct from agencies whose function it is to collect and distribute such data.
Staff members in my district offices will make every effort to assist you in obtaining timely and accurate information from federal agencies.
Virtually all these energy sources have faced regulatory burdens obtaining permits and leases from overly bureaucratic federal agencies.
Seventy-seven projects use data obtained from other federal agencies, like student loan records, bank account numbers and taxpayer identification numbers.
The purchase will be concluded when the project obtains full approval from municipal, state and federal agencies.
Additionally, he was able to get his officials to manipulate the central government's local financing scheme to obtain £200m of additional financing from other governmental agencies.
Even bigger discounts might be obtained from agencies that buy blocks of cabins far in advance and offer the cabins at group rates.
The act, adopted in 1966, guarantees the public's right to obtain information from federal agencies, subject to nine exemptions including national security.
Other Sources In a few states, snow reports can be obtained from tourist boards or other agencies.
Most families of the disabled need to obtain family support services from several agencies, since each agency receives state grants for only certain services.