Some agencies, however, make a point of providing their agents with "sterile" equipment obtained commercially from third countries.
Mr. Casey wanted to obtain money from foreign countries in defiance of the ban.
The OIA uses a number of legal resources to obtain information from foreign countries.
This resulted in residents having to be sent abroad to complete their training and obtain their specialty degree from other countries.
Evidence on the value of screening has been obtained mostly from countries with well developed health care systems.
Japanese industries have been obtaining products from other countries in Southeast Asia.
Historically, they have accepted information obtained from other countries where harsher interrogation methods are used.
He was asked about efforts by the United States to obtain assistance from third-party countries through offers of economic and military assistance.
Funds denied by Congress were obtained by the Administration from third countries and private citizens.
If, therefore, you do not train sufficient doctors, you need to obtain them from other countries.