Despite obtaining near victory, she is left disillusioned by Yugi's uncharacteristic dueling errors, suspecting that he is not fighting up to his full ability.
As supplies became more difficult to obtain near the end of the war, buckles captured from Union forces were also worn.
Wilson obtained employment as a schoolteacher in Milestown, near Philadelphia.
He went eventually to Constantinople, where he obtained a cell at the city wall, near the Blakhernae church.
Duncan obtained information tracking Hardin to a rural community in southeastern Alabama, near the Florida border.
However, an amicable arrangement was made and Worcester obtained some lands near Norwich and in Southwark.
He now paused at the top of a crooked and gentle declivity, and obtained his first near view of the city.
Doheny obtained a lease near downtown with $400 in financing from Canfield, who had made some money from the mining industry.
Solymosi and Tao obtained near sharp upper bounds for the number of incidences between points and algebraic varieties in higher dimensions.
The Clementine spacecraft obtained the first near global map of the Moon's topography, as well as multispectral images.