Many of the lawyers said they doubted that most courts would overlook the public interest in obtaining news on a health-related issue.
To obtain news, intelligence, that he cannot derive from some more le-gitimate source.
Here also he obtained news of the trail ahead, the best places to water and rest; this information came from the merchants of Chin.
Lalette added that she was much concerned over her mother; could the singer obtain news?
His school now has two computers to obtain news from the Middle East or about the Iraq war.
They knew whom to trust because they could store memories of past behavior and obtain news about others' reputations.
The context of the one liner offer was the normal journalistic desire to obtain and broadcast news first.
In 1930, he introduced high speed telegraph service so that readers could obtain more immediate news.
He went out West, where he obtained news of her and her photograph to aid him in his search.
The camp lines were permanently jammed, relatives trying to obtain news of their dear ones.